films on films on films

The Prodigy Project is primarily a storytelling camp that takes place in Leavenworth, WA. Current mediums are film and music. I produce the camp and wear a few hats to make the non-profit what it is. The idea is to influence future influencers for the better.

I love it.

All films at our summer camp program are written and directed by these prodigies with the help of our team filmed in only 3.5 hours. It’s a bit of a wild ride to produce 20 short films in a few days and occasionally I even find myself in front of the camera, though nobody seems to trust me with any dialogue…


Family Shadows by Laura Malatos

Pray for Water by Rene Rehak

Rest This Worried Heart by Catherine McCord


Perhaps my favorite Prodigy endeavor to date has been the 2020 enough. film with star alumni Nathan Nzanga. What started as an idea for an alternative activity to a canceled camp turned into an Oscar-qualified short that continues to inspire a more humanizing conversation surrounding race relations.

enough. also incorporates footage from our 5000 Days Project of Nate growing up over 10 years.

Give it a 13-minute watch here and go to to learn more.


5000 Days

